



    Holland Brook School -  Board  of Education Meeting Room
    Special Meeting – 7:30 p.m.
    May 1, 2013



    1. Call to Order – Open Public Meetings Act – Roll Call – Flag Salute

    This meeting isbeing held in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act and is open to the media and public.  Notices were duly posted, and the meeting was advertised in the Courier News.  Formal action may be taken.


    Barbara Dobozynski


    Wayne Doran


    William Goodwin


    Vincent Panico


    Laura Simon


    Eric Zwerling


    Cheryl Filler


    David Livingston


    (open board seat)



    1. Open to the Public (Limited to Items on the Agenda)
    2. Report from Communications Committee

                Motion to approve a statement drafted by the Communications Committeeregarding the district’s

                dress code.

                ROLL CALL:

    Barbara Dobozynski


    Wayne Doran


    William Goodwin


    Vincent Panico


    Laura Simon


    Eric Zwerling


    Cheryl Filler


    David Livingston


    (open board seat)



                Motion:                                    Second:                                   Vote:

    1. Ad Hoc Dress Code Policy Committee – appointment by President
    2. School Choice
                Motion to affirm the Superintendent’s School Choice applicationsubmission to the State of

                ROLL CALL:

    Barbara Dobozynski


    Wayne Doran


    William Goodwin


    Vincent Panico


    Laura Simon


    Eric Zwerling


    Cheryl Filler


    David Livingston


    (open board seat)



                Motion:                                    Second:                                   Vote:


    1. Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session

                Motion:                                    Second:

    Motion toadjourn to Executive Session for approximately 30 minutes in accordancewith the Sunshine Law, Ch. 321, P.L. 1975, to receive an update regarding thestatus of the police investigation  pursuant to bylaw 1066.  The matter discussed will be made public ifand when the circumstances requiring confidentiality no longer exist; however,it is not presently known when such circumstances exist.


    1. Adjournment:

    Motion to Adjourn at: _________


