- Readington Township Public Schools
- District Staff Directory
The District Staff Directory is searchable by Last Name, First Name, Phone Number, Extension, E-mail Address, Building, and Position. Any fields or combinations of the fields can be used. Results will display as a list after clicking submit.To return to search options, use the BACK button on your browser, or click "District Staff Directory" on the left.NOTE: If a person has a direct dial number listed you can call that number directly and the call will go right to the person's phone and not go through the automated attendant.
To contact the Board of Education, please click here.
- Starts With
- Contains
- Starts With
- Contains
- All
- (908) 534 4741
- (908) 534-2113
- (908) 534-2195
- (908) 534-4411
- (908) 782 2141
- (908) 782-2141
- (908) 823-0454
- (908)-534-2113
- (908)534-2113
- (908)-534-2195
- (908)-534-4411
- (908)-782-2141
- (908)782-2141
- (908)-823-0454
- (908)823-0454
- (909) 782 2141
- 908-534-2113
- 908-534-2195
- 908-823-0454
- Direct
- Starts With
- Contains
- Starts With
- Contains
- Starts With
- Contains
- All
- District
- HBS and RMS
- All
- Accounts Payable
- Art Teacher
- Assistant Principal
- Assistant to the Business Admin./Brd. Secretary
- Athletic Hotline
- Attendance Line
- Behavior Specialist
- Behavioral Health Counselor
- Business Administrator/Board Secretary
- Cafeteria Manager
- Case Manager
- Case Manager - LDTC
- Child Study Team Secretary
- Clerical Aide
- Clerical Aide Office
- Clerical Aide TBS
- Computer / Classroom Technician
- Computer Teacher
- Coordinator of Information Technology
- CST Secretary
- Curriculum & Instruction Supervisor (SEL & Special Projects)
- Database/SIS Administrator
- Desktop / Classroom Technician
- Director of Pupil Services
- Enrichment
- Enrichment Teacher
- Facilities Manager
- French Teacher
- Gifted & Talented Teacher
- Grade 1
- Grade 2
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
- Guidance Counselor
- Head Custodian
- Honors Math
- Innovation & Design Teacher
- Instructional Coach
- Instrumental Music Teacher
- Intervention
- Intervention Teacher
- Kindergarten
- Language Arts Teacher
- Library Media Specialist
- Literacy Coach
- Maintenance Foreman
- Mandarin Teacher
- Math Intervention
- Math Teacher
- Music Teacher
- Network Administrator
- Nurse
- Payroll and Benefits
- Physical Education & Health
- Preschool
- Pre-School
- Preschool Instructional Coach
- Principal
- Purchasing Clerk
- School Counselor
- School Secretary
- Science Teacher
- Secretary in the Office of Curriculum and Instruction
- Secretary to Assistant Principal
- Secretary to Principal
- Secretary to the Business Administrator/Board Secretary
- Secretary to the Supervisor of Pupil Services
- Social Studies Teacher
- Social Worker
- Spanish Teacher
- Special Education Teacher
- Speech
- Superintendent
- Superintendent's Secretary
- Supervisor of Curriculum & Instruction
- Supervisor of Humanities
- Supervisor of Math, Science and Technology
- Supervisor of Transportation
- Teacher - Wilson Certified
- Teacher Grade 3
- Teacher Math
- Teacher Special Ed
- Teacher Special Education
- Technology Teacher
- Transportation Clerk/Assistant Dispatcher
- Transportation Dispatcher