- Readington Township Public Schools
- Parent Portal
Parent Portal
Readington Township Public SchoolsParent PortalUse the links below and to the left to navigate to information areas and systems
Virtual Backpack Backpack mail and community notices are available in pdf format for viewing. Parent and Guardian access to student and emergency contact information. This website is for families to use for resources and assistance with Technology use for Virtual Learning. . Lunch Menu - RMS Lunch Menus are posted online monthly in PDF format
Lunch Menu - HBS Lunch Menu - TBS Lunch Menu - WHS Sign up to monitor what your child eats, or put money on their account.A Federal and State funded health insurance program to help New Jersey's uninsured children.Student Transportation The goal of the Readington Student Transportation Department is to provide safe transportation forthe students of the Readington Township School District.Pupil Services The Readington Township Department of Pupil Services provides services to students in the areas of school health, guidance counseling, child study, special education, speech and language, English Language Services and occupational/physical therapy.
The Readington Township Curriculum Department supports students, parents, teachers, staff, administrators, and community members. The Common Core State Standards, formative and summative assessment practices, developmentally appropriate instruction and staff professional development are just a few of the support items offered by the Curriculum Department.
NCLB Resource Page Access to Curriculum Systems