• Welcome to HBS 

    Gifted and Talented Education and Enrichment Programs 


    no elevator


    Dr. Joyce McGibbon


      (908) 823 0454 ext 2014


    I look forward to providing challenging, thought-provoking activities for all students at HBS. The program works on many levels, from schoolwide activities that will be available to all students, to pull-out groups for students who meet the district’s criteria for inclusion. Check back often for information about specific enrichment opportunities.

    In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to email me at jmcgibbon@readington.k12.nj.us



    GT Schedule 2024 - 2025

    4th Grade 

    Group 1 (Gass's students) - A day 12:20 & E day 8:35

    Group 2 (Higdon's students) - A day 1:10 & D day 9:35 

    Group 3 (Weiss's students) - B day 12:20 & D day 8:35 

    5th Grade 

    Group 1 (Haberkern's students)  - A day 9:35 & D day 7:45 

    Group 2 (Ganguzza's students) - B day 1:10 & E day 7:45

    Group 3 (Dowden's students) - C day 9:35 & F day 8:35




    * Image from https://twitter.com/tamaramccleary/status/549951566698913792