- Holland Brook School
- Arrival / Dismissal
Arrival and Dismissal
For parents who are driving their children to school and/or picking them up:
We have used the following procedures with great success the past couple of years.
Parent Drop Off starts at 7:25 a.m.
Parents line up along the side of the Board of Education building. Pull all the way up to the playground. Teachers come on duty starting at 7:25 a.m. Do not let your child out of the car until teachers are on duty.
Students must get out of the right (passenger) side of the car.
Please say your goodbyes, give your hugs and kisses before you stop. Our goal is to keep the line moving.
Once you stop and are adjacent to the sidewalk, please let your child out then. Do not keep pulling up in order to get them closer to the entrance.
If you have to get out of the car for any reason (instrument in the back, need that last hug, etc.) that is fine, just pull into a parking space on your left so you are out of the way.
Please be patient. Do not pull out of line to pass the parent in front of you.
Please drive carefully. Phones down, speed down. Safety is our focus.
Parent Pick Up starts at 2:25 p.m.
Park your car in the Board of Education parking lot. Trust me, you don’t want to park in the Holland Brook parking lot. The buses will trap you in.
Fifth grade parents pick up their children at the main entrance. Fourth grade parents pick up at the side door. (I will be out there to guide you.)
Tell the teacher on duty who you are there to pick up. Your child will be called and meet you outside. Parents are not allowed in the building.
If this seems confusing, trust me, it isn't. We will have teachers outside to help everyone!