• Welcome to 4th Grade!

    Dear 4th Grader, 

             Hello, my name is Mrs. Majowka, and I will be your fourth grade teacher for the 2024-2025 school year.   I hope that you are enjoying your summer vacation.  I am very excited about getting to know YOU and starting our year together at Holland Brook School!

           Here are a few things you should know about me: I have two sons, William (14) and Charlie (12).  We love to be outside!  My family has made many trips to the beach, pool, library and Polar Cub this summer. Also, we enjoy biking, backyard wiffle ball, and pickleball matches!

             Are you curious about fourth grade?  As readers, we will continue to build our reading stamina as we explore books of various genres.  Do you prefer fiction, non-fiction or both?  Our class will get to know our favorite characters in novels and build our reading comprehension skills.  I look forward to lots of "book talk" with you, starting with some of your favorite summer reads. During Writing Workshop, we will explore various genres and learn to expand our pieces in more detail.  I will guide you in the process of crafting drafts that you will be proud to publish and share with your classmates.    

                In Math, we will conquer more complicated problems.  I look forward to engaging in conversations about strategies that you prefer for solving challenging math problems.  

              Get ready, budding scientists! Fourth grade investigations cover topics like energy, organisms, and Earth materials.  There will be many opportunities to conduct hands-on learning activities with a partner.   As scientists, you will observe, compare, categorize, and problem solve.  In Social Studies, you will learn more about the world around you and our very own state-New Jersey!

              I know you will LOVE fourth grade and all the new challenges that await you at Holland Brook School.  This year will be amazing; with our positive attitudes, we will learn and grow together as a team!  

    Your Fourth Grade Teacher,

    Mrs. Majowka

    Supply List

    Specials Schedule:

    A Day:  Music

    B Day:  Art

    C Day:  P.E.

    D Day:  Spanish

    E Day:  Library-P.E.

    F Day: Innovation & Design

    Contact Information:


    Phone: 908-823-0454 x2038

    Room 38



Last Modified on August 17, 2024