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        August 2024

    Dear Fifth Grader,


    Summer is quickly coming to an end and another school year will soon be upon us.  We hope that you are as excited about starting fifth grade as we are to have you in our class.


    Fifth grade will be a very busy and fun-filled year for us. Many interesting projects, activities, and field trips have been planned to enhance, stimulate, and challenge you; but most of all, for you to enjoy yourself while learning.  


    You will be part of the Haberkern/Krayem team!  Our goal is to make you a successful part of the team.  Mrs. Haberkern will be teaching language arts and social studies and Mrs. Krayem will be teaching mathematics, social studies and science.


    Time will be given each day for a light snack.  We suggest something healthy such as: fruit, cheese and crackers, as well as a juice drink, or water. 


    Please visit the school’s main webpage for a list of grade-level supplies needed for the upcoming school year.  Supplies should be brought to school by Friday, September 6th.  


    We know you aren’t quite ready for your summer to end, but we are looking forward to a successful and enjoyable year with you!  Please bring pictures of your family, friends, special memories, etc.  (Printed from the computer is fine!) These will be used for a Get-to-Know one another activity.  Enjoy the rest of your vacation and we’ll see you on September 5th.



    Mrs. Haberkern

    Mrs. Krayem

Last Modified on June 14, 2024