Mathematics in Readington

  • Mathematics in the Readington Township Public Schools

    In the Readington Township Public Schools, math courses not only adhere to the rigorous New Jersey Student Learning Standards but also engage students in the pursuit of high expectations for themselves as they master skills in fluency and problem-solving while working collaboratively on high-order thinking tasks.  The information below is intended to give you an overview of the mathematics program in Readington Township.  Please return to this page occasionally to learn about developments in our program.
     Math Sequence
    Elementary Math
    In grades K-5, teachers use Ready Classroom Mathematics as their main resource for instruction and supplement with engaging differentiated activities using manipulatives, hands-on materials, and technology.  This series allows students to view their textbook online, receive assignments online, and take tests online.  Ready Classroom Mathematics also allows students to use online manipulatives.
    Students in Grades K-3  learn topics outlined by the NJ Student Learning Standards (NJSLS).  Teachers actively address different levels of learning by engaging students in activities that challenge them.  This differentiation of instruction is a common theme at the elementary level where an hour of math instruction each day is given.  Some students receive additional math enrichment if they have been identified for that instruction by the Gifted and Talented teachers.  At the third grade level, a very small number of students may be identified for inclusion in an accelerated math class.  As students move to Readington Middle School, the opportunity to move into advanced levels of mathematics is presented. 
    Middle School Mathematics 
    At Readington Middle School, students continue rigorous learning with the Big Ideas middle school mathematics book as a common resource.  Students have a traditional textbook in class, and an e-text to use anywhere they have internet access.  The Big Ideas Math series is a new textbook for RMS, and it was written alongside the NJSLS by renowned mathematics author Ron Larson.  Larson is also the author of the Algebra 1 and 2 books we, and Hunterdon Central Regional High School, use for instruction at those levels.
    RMS students engage in a variety of learning experiences that involve investigative approaches to learning, modeling, collaborative problem solving, and technology.  The middle school math sequence allows students the opportunity to end their middle school experience with either Pre-Algebra, Algebra, or Algebra II, depending on each student's degree of math proficiency.
    Advanced & Honors Math Courses
    Students in Advanced or Honors Math courses must maintain a year-end average of 80% or higher to continue in the course. Please Click Here for more information.