- Three Bridges School
- Mrs. Kokoszka

Phone: (908)782-2141 ext. #5213
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Kokoszka
August 2024
Dear Terrific Tiger,
I am thrilled to be your third grade teacher this school year. I hope you had an amazing summer and I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures. Get ready for a fun-filled, third grade year. There are many new and interesting topics to explore in third grade. Be ready to create and race wheel and axle systems, to observe and take care of crayfish, and to persuade me with opinion essays. We will also learn fun multiplication and division facts tricks, travel to new places using our map skills, and meet entertaining characters through books. It is going to be a wonderful time!
In addition to the items requested during the summer (listed below), the following school supplies will be useful as we begin the school year. Please bring the following items with you during the first weeks of school and make sure your name is on everything. Items include:
a recent photo of yourself and a sock or dry-erase eraser (to use as a whiteboard eraser)
a smock (for art)
a healthy, nut-free snack
a pair of headphones or earbuds in a ziplock bag with your name on it (to use with the computers each day)
3 marble composition books
one 24-pack crayons
3 (2-pocket) folders (1 for Spanish, 1 for Music, and 1 for Homeroom)
glue sticks
1 yellow highlighter
pencils (replenish throughout the year)
dry erase markers (replenish throughout the year)
1 pair of scissors
post-it notes
I look forward to meeting you soon!
Enjoy the rest of your summer.
Mrs. Kokoszka
Google Classroom Link coming soon! I will invite you to join our Google classroom called Mrs. Kokoszka's 2024-2025 Third Grade Class.
We are going to have a wonderful school year! :)