Physical Education

  •  Title

    Mr. Bors
    782-2141 Ext. 5225

    Three Bridge’s elementary physical education curriculum is designed to develop the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains of students by providing a developmentally appropriate and sequentially progressive program. This will enable the students to acquire the basic foundations of movement skills and strategies needed to participate in a variety of games and sports. Specific aspects of the program will aid in the development of higher fitness levels, thinking and problem solving, cooperation (sportsmanship), and decision making skills. The New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards provide the basis for the activities that follow a natural progression of skill and knowledge development from kindergarten through third grade. All students, no matter where they place on the continuum of growth, are provided with individual attention and direction.

    It is our hope that the concepts learned at this time remain as important building blocks for a safe, healthy, and happy life style.

    The main components of the elementary physical education program are:
    1. Body Awareness
    2. Manipulative skills: Activities with wands, hoops, bean bags, and jump ropes
    3. Health related physical fitness
    4. Skills related to games and sports
    5. Rhythmic activities
    Dress Code:
    Students must wear sneakers on gym days
    •Sneakers include any shoe that’s considered walking, running, or a basketball sneaker that has laces, Velcro straps, a back at the heel, and is not a dress shoes

    Examples of proper footwear.
    sneakers 2 sneakers
    Examples of wrong footwear.
    high heel ice skate sandals


Last Modified on July 15, 2024