The Pupil Services Department of the Readington Township Schools, in compliance with Project Child Find, conducts evaluations, if warranted, for those children who may have learning problems in the areas of cognition, communication, social/emotional and motor functioning. The evaluations are available to preschool children aged 3-5, to school aged children in kindergarten through grade 8, to highly mobile students such as migrant and homeless students, and to students who may have a disability although they are advancing from grade to grade.
Children who are found eligible for special education and related services are entitled to a free and appropriate special education program.
For more information on Project Child Find, contact the Department of Pupil Services at 908-534-2195 ext. 2955.
The New Jersey Department of Education also has information regarding Project Child Find on their website at:
Infants and Toddlers:
For information regarding Early Intervention Services for Children birth to three years old: